Melinda Riley Bosen

The article within which you were interviewed was very informative, and made me think about a few things in a new way.

I don't think that BYU should be able to opt out of basic human decency and caring. When I learned what students were going through, I had to share. I'm willing to connect, I just don't think that I have much to add as an able-bodied person.

I do know that when I was in school, the disability center closed before classes would end for the day. So I would walk my blind friend to his last class and to the bus stop after, so he wouldn't have to count his steps, and risk getting on the wrong bus. It took him a full hour to walk the 15 minute walk without assistance. There were classes that he couldn't take because the center wasn't open late enough and those courses were only at night.

The center should have been open for as long as classes were in session, minimum. It would also be good, if textbooks had to have an audio book, or they couldn't be assigned. Better if they had to be available in braille and audio book. We had 2 classes together and he had a hard time being able to even find a source for any of the reading. Speaking campus maps/signs would be good, as he had to learn the way to each new class, had to be walked many times to those places before he could manage it on his own. It was very time consuming for him.

I'm certain that students you've talked to, have already brought these up. That's pretty much all that I can think of. I do hope that you are successful, and I think it's a wonderful thing you are trying to do for your classmates and the students that come after you.